Privacy Policy Statement of Investment Research Finland Ltd

1. Registrar

Sijoitustutkimus-ryhmässä rekisterinpitäjinä toimivat yhtiöt ovat Suomen Sijoitustutkimus Oy, Suomen Sijoitussuunnittelu Oy, Sijoitusakatemia Oy, Sijoituskumppani Oy ja Suomen Sijoittajatutkimus Oy. Yhtiöt (Yhdessä ”Sijoitustutkimus” tai ”me”) käsittelevät toiminnassaan henkilötietojapalvelujensa mahdollistamiseksi, asiakassuhteen hoitamiseen, asiakasviestinnän toteuttamiseksi, tehtyjen sopimusten toteuttamiseksi sekä Sijoitusakatemia Oy:n osalta suoramarkkinointitarkoituksiin. Lisäksi keräämme analytiikkatietoa verkkosivujemme kävijöistä.

Suomen Sijoitustutkimus Oy tuottaa asiakkailleen sijoitustoiminnan raportointi-, seuranta- ja analyysipalveluita sekä sijoitusrahastojen tietopalveluita. Suomen Sijoitussuunnittelu Oy tuottaa asiakkailleen sijoitustoiminnan räätälöityjä suunnittelupalveluita. Suomen Sijoittajatutkimus Oy tuottaa sijoittajatutkimuksia. Palveluissa on asiakkaiden yhteisöittäin ja henkilöittäin räätälöityjä ominaisuuksia, ja valtaosaa niistä toimitetaan sisällöstä riippumatta tunnistautumista vaativia sähköisiä kanavia pitkin.

Ryhmäyhtiömme Suomen Sijoituskumppani Oy tarjoaa kotimaisille instituutiosijoittajille yhteistyökumppanimme Söderberg & Partners Wealth Management AB:n neuvontapalveluita sidonnaisasiamiehenä.

Sijoitusakatemia Oy järjestää ammatillista jatko- ja täydennyskoulutusta yrityksissä ja yhteisöissä työskenteleville henkilöille ammattitaidon ja osaamisen ylläpitämiseen ja edelleen kehittämiseen. Koulutustapahtumien sisällön suunnittelu, osallistujien kokoaminen ja tapahtuman järjestäminen vaatii kohderyhmälle suunnattua suoramarkkinointia. Sijoitusakatemia Oy ei lähetä suoramarkkinointia tai muutakaan mainontaa kuluttaja-asiakkaille.

Sijoitusakatemialla on yhteisöasiakkaita ja yhteistyökumppaneita, joiden edustajien henkilötietoja voidaan käsitellä osana tätä rekisteriä. Yhteisöasiakkaiden edustajien tietoja käytetään vain yhteisölle kohdistuvan viestinnän ja markkinoinnintoteuttamiseen.

Sijoitustutkimukselleon tärkeää, että tiedät, miten käsittelemme henkilötietojasi. Alla kerrommelisää henkilötietojesi käsittelystä. Huomaathan, että tämä tietosuojaselostesoveltuu ainoastaan Sijoitustutkimuksen rekisterinpitäjänä suorittamaan henkilötietojenkäsittelyyn.

2. Contact information for data controllers

Finnish Investment Research Ltd
Business ID: 1640202-0

Finnish Investment Planning Ltd
Business ID: 2370749-8Address: Vuorikatu 14 A, 00100 HelsinkiTelephone number +358 9 6227 8770www.ustus.fiPerson in charge of the register: Kalle Kauppila, +358 9 6227 8771

Suomen Sijoittajapalvelut Oy
Y-tunnus: 2360622-4

Suomen Sijoittajatutkimus Oy
Y-tunnus: 3437784-2

Osoite: Vuorikatu 14 A, 00100 Helsinki
Puhelinnumero +358 9 6227 8770
Rekisteristä vastaava henkilö: Kalle Kauppila, +358 9 6227 8771

Investment Academy Ltd
Business ID: 2309376-4Address: Vuorikatu 14 A, 00100 HelsinkiTelephone number +358 45 317 6363www.akatemia.fiPerson in charge of the register: Juha Paukku, +358453176363

Osoite: Vuorikatu 14 A, 00100 Helsinki
Puhelinnumero +358 45 317 6363
Rekisteristä vastaava henkilö: Juha Paukku, +358 45 3176 363

Suomen Sijoituskumppani Oy
Y-tunnus: 3280156-6

Osoite: Vuorikatu 14 A, 00100 Helsinki
Rekisteristä vastaava henkilö: Kalle Kauppila, +358 9 6227 8771

3. Data collected

Clients and marketing contacts

• First and last name
• Job title or professional title
• Company or entity (employer)
• Organization and status and other information related to the entity's clientelism in the case of representatives of Community Clients
• Contact information (email address, possibly address, billing address and telephone number)
• Industry classification
• Client group (e.g. reporting clients, fund data auditors, seminar participants, seminar speakers)
• Contact history
• Historical data on possible participations in various Investment Academy trainings
• Consents, prohibitions or other information related to direct marketing, or additional information provided

• IP address
• URL path on the site
• Time of visit
• Browser type and version
• Device type

The site is hosted in Europe on the service of the provider Amazon GmbH on its own server. The above mentioned things are stored on that server in a text file. In addition, a Google Analytics tracker is installed on the investment and website, which stores the same data for Google.

For those who have subscribed to the newsletter, the name, job title, company, telephone number and e-mail address are requested on the website of the investment academy.

4. Where do we get personal data?

In principle, we receive the data processed in accordance with this Privacy Policy from the data subjects themselves or the organization represented by them when forming a customer relationship, when enrolling in training, from publicly available information describing a person's status or tasks or their management in public entities or in the business world, such as appointment news and articles in various media, about the Academy of Investment's own training activities or in connection with training and seminars to the mailing list.

The data collected from the website is stored on the server during the visit.

The information stored in the customer register of the Investment Academy Oy is also collected from the participants themselves and their colleagues, as well as from the trainers of the events, the events of other educational companies or the partners of the events.

5. Purposes of data processing

In addition, personal data may be used for the following other purposes in accordance with the law and consents:
• Palvelun tuottamiseen tai sopimussuhteen ehtojen täyttämiseen
• Asiakasviestintään ja asiakassuhteen hoitamiseen
• Asiakassuhteen hallintaan, ylläpitämiseen ja kehittämiseen sekä viestintään.• To provide a service or to fulfill the terms of a contractual relationship• Customer communication and customer relationship management• Customer relationship management, maintenance and development and communication

If you contact us, we will use the information provided to answer questions and resolve any issues, as well as to process your message.

The personal data contained in the customer register of the Investment Academy Oy are used for the planning and direct marketing of the training events of the Investment Academy Oy to various target groups, as well as for the recording and after-marketing of the training history of persons who have participated in the training events of the Investment Academy (the legitimate interest of the Investment Academy Oy).

If you have given your consent to receive direct marketing to the Investment Academy Oy, the Investment Academy Oy may send you newsletters about the training and activities of the Investment Academy, as well as other direct marketing materials.

The data subject always has the right to prohibit us from using personal data for direct marketing, market research or profiling by contacting us in accordance with the contact information indicated above or by using the unsubscribe option offered in connection with direct marketing messages or newsletters.

6. Retention period

We retain personal data only for as long as required by law or as necessary to fulfil the purposes identified above. Incorrect and outdated personal data will be deleted.

7. Transfer of personal data outside the European Economic Area

We may process personal data in international information systems that transfer data outside the European Union and the European Economic Area. If the European Commission has not considered the level of data protection in the destination country to be adequate, we will guarantee an adequate level of data protection for your personal data through our contractual practices (for example, the European Commission's model clauses on the transfer of personal data to third countries) or other measures.

8. Groups of recipients of personal data

We may disclose information to the extent described in this Statement. Otherwise, we will not disclose your personal data to parties outside the Investment Research Organization, except in the following situations:

For legal reasons

We may disclose personal information to parties outside the Investment Research Organization if access to the Personal Data is reasonably necessary (i) to comply with applicable law, regulation or court order; (ii) to detect, prevent or otherwise address fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing, or security or technical problems; or (iii) Investment Research or our clients' property for the purpose of protecting or guaranteeing security or for the purposes of the public interest in accordance with the legislation.

For Authorized Service Providers

We may disclose personal data to authorized service providers that provide services to us. Our agreements with our service providers include commitments under which service providers undertake to limit the use of personal data and to comply with at least the privacy and data security standards set out in this Privacy Statement.

With Your Explicit Consent

We may disclose personal data to third parties outside the Investment Research Organization for reasons other than those mentioned above, where we have the express consent of the data subject. The data subject has the right to withdraw such consent at any time.

9. Rights of the data subject

Right of access to information

Data subjects have the right to access their personal data, which is processed by the Investment Survey. If you wish, you can contact us to find out what personal data we process and for what purposes this data will be used.

Right to demand rectification of information

You have the right to have inaccurate, inaccurate, invalid, outdated or unnecessary personal data that we store, corrected or supplemented by us. By contacting us, you can update, for example, your contact information or other personal data.

Right to demand erasure of information

You can ask us to delete your personal data. We will take action in accordance with your request if we do not have a legitimate reason not to delete the information.

Right to object and right to restrict processing

You have the right to object to the processing or profiling of your data if your data is processed for direct marketing purposes. You have the right to request that the processing of your personal data be restricted, including where the information about you is incorrect. In addition, in certain special situations, you have the right to object to the processing of your personal data if the basis ispersonal specific situation.Right to transfer data from one system to anotherThe data subject has the right to receive his or her personal data from us in a structured and commonly used form and independently transfer the data to a third party.Exercise of rightsIf you wish to exercise any of the above rights, please send us an investment survey by post or email provide the following information: name, address, telephone number and a copy of the valid from the identity document. In order to prove your identity, we may request the provision of additional information. We may reject requests that occur unreasonably frequently, are excessive or are clearly unjustified.11 Data securityWe have implemented administrative, organisational, technical and physical safeguards to protect the personal data we collect and process. Our security measures are designed to maintain an appropriate level to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of the information.6Personal data may only be processed by persons whose work is justified for this purpose. The use of personal data is protected by appropriate user IDs, passwords and access rights.12. Filing a complaintYou have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you feel that Investment Research's processing of personal data violates data protection laws.Investment Research Finland Ltd Privacy Policy1. Registry HolderInvestment Research Finland Ltd (“Investment Research Finland”, or “IRF”, or “Company”) uses personal information it its operations relating to Client relationships, marketing, communication, andinternal analytics.Investment Research Finland provides consolidated reporting services, performance measurement services and fund visibility services. Invest Research Finland kan også og. 7IRF og data i,. IRF also utilizes analytics regarding traffic on the Company website.Investment Research Finland provides part of its services based on partner providers mostly in asset management and information technology services, and may utilize partner representatives' personal information in providing services.Investment Research Finland utilises and stores any client or personal data in a profession manner.Please note that this privacy policy applies only to personal information of individuals (rather than organizations) and only to Investment Research Finland Ltd.2 . Contact InformationInvestment Research Finland Ltd nat.reg: FIN16402020Address: Vuorikatu 14 A, 00100 HelsinkiTelephone: +358 9 6227 8770e-mail: info@investmentresearch.fiwww.sijoitustutkimus.fiResponsible Person:Kalle Kauppila, +358 9 6227 8771, 3. Collected Personal InformationGeneral Contact Data• First and Last Name• Professional title• Represented institutions' name• Institutions' organizational structure and individual positions within• Contact information (email, physical address, billing address and phone number) • Industry classification• Contact type and role (for example: reporting client, performance measurement client, data provider, etc.) • Contact history8Website Analytics• IP-address• URL address• Time of visit • Browser type and version• Hardware TypeWebsite is hosted within European Economic Area by and in Amazon GmbH server facility. Il sito web del servidores tutte elettronici in text.The company website also incorporates a Google Analytics tracker, allowing Google companies access to items listed above. Informazioni sulla fonte di informazioni predefinità, cliente o partneri di consente di contatto pubblicato di client, possono accettare il dati di contatto pubblica come siti pubblici, elenco di intervista pubblica in media.Website Analytics Data is stored by accessing the website.5. Purposte de l'utilisation de informació Personnel información puede usar a legale o contract-basado usages:Providing a service or fulfilling a contractClient communcation and Client relationship managementIn the case of direct inquiries to Investment Research Finland, IRF may use the given contact information to provide answersElectronic marketing such as e-mail newsletters may be cancelled or prohibited by providing direct notification to Investment Research Finland, and any individual always has a right to be excluded from direct marketing measures.6. Held period of information9Investment Research Finland holds personal information as long as the Company is legally required or it is necessary to maintain contractual obligations, or provide services to the client. Faulty undetected personal information will be updated or deleted from the registry.7. Transferring personal information outside the European Economic AreaAirF uses information technology providers that are active globally, and it is possible that by providerchoice the personal information listed in this policy may be transferred outside the European Economic Area. All relevant IRF information technology service agreements include common privacy policy statutes for cross-border sharing.8. Recipients of personal informationInvestment Research Finland does not give personal information to third parties excluding the following situations:Legal reasons or bond investment research Finland may provide personal information to third parties if access to these information is considered reasonably necessary (i) to prevent fraud, money laundering, financing terrorist organizations or information security concerns (iii) to protect investment research assets or to ensure common good required by the Law.Investment Research Finland may also provide personal information to other third parties by the individual or a client organization. Individual rights to access personal informationRight to update or correct the personal informationRight to delete personal informationRight to exclude or resist the usage of information with respect to direct marketing purposesRight to transfer information in a readable and commonly used form to a third party by RequestIndividual puede exercisar los rechts por contáctenos representantes de Investment Research Finlandia por emailo, mailo o calling10Investment Research Finlandia pode denier de solicitações que se recursos, están excessive o clearlyUnreasonable/obtener para acceso el información, por favor contáctenente representante de Investigación de Investimento Finland11. General SecurityInvestment Research Finland stores and uses personal information in a professional manner. IrFunderTakes common reasonable data security measures, such as restricting internal use to relevant personnel, and requiring username and password information for any access.12. Rightto complainIRF does not by any means, contract or otherwise, limit or discourage individual rights to inform thesupervising authorities, should an individual have reasonable doubts that IRF does not treat personal information in the way coplient to Finnish and European Law.

Oikeus siirtää tiedot järjestelmästä toiseen

Rekisteröidyllä on oikeus saada henkilötietonsa meiltä jäsennellyssä ja yleisesti käytetyssä muodossa sekä itsenäisesti siirtää tiedot kolmannelle osapuolelle.

Oikeuksien käyttäminen

Jos haluat käyttää jotakin yllä olevista oikeuksista, pyydämme lähettämään Sijoitustutkimukselle postitse tai sähköpostitse seuraavat tiedot: nimi, osoite, puhelinnumero ja kopio voimassa olevasta henkilöllisyystodistuksesta. Henkilöllisyyden todistamiseksi voimme pyytää lisätietojen toimittamista. Voimme hylätä pyynnöt, jotka toistuvat kohtuuttoman usein, ovat liiallisia tai jotka ovat selvästi perusteettomia.

10. Tietoturvallisuus

Olemme toteuttaneet hallinnollisia, organisatorisia, teknisiä ja fyysisiä suojatoimenpiteitä keräämiemme ja käsittelemiemme henkilötietojen suojaamiseksi. Turvatoimemme on suunniteltu ylläpitämään asianmukainen taso tietojen luottamuksellisuuden, eheyden ja saatavuuden varmistamiseksi.

Henkilötietoja voivat käsitellä ainoastaan ne henkilöt, joiden työtehtävien puolesta tämä on perusteltua. Henkilötietojen käyttö on suojattu asianmukaisin käyttäjäkohtaisin tunnuksin, salasanoin ja käyttöoikeuksin.

11. Valituksen tekeminen

Sinulla on oikeus tehdä valitus valvontaviranomaiselle, jos koet Sijoitustutkimuksen henkilötietojenkäsittelyn olevan tietosuojalainsäädännön vastaista.

Investment Research Finland Ltd Privacy Policy

1. Registry holder

Investment Research Finland Ltd (”Investment Research Finland”, or “IRF”, or ”Company”) uses personal information it its operations relating to Client relationships, marketing, communication, and internal analytics.

Investment Research Finland provides consolidated reporting services, performance measurement services and fund visibility services. Investment Research Finland can also undertake direct marketing to individuals and organizations.

IRF utilizes and stores personal data in order to provide services, undertake customer communications and fulfill client agreement obligations, as well as marketing. IRF also utilizes analytics regarding traffic on the Company website.

Investment Research Finland provides part of its services based on partner providers mostly in asset management and information technology services, and may utilize partner representatives’ contactor personal information in providing services.

Investment Research Finland utilises and stores any client or personal data in a profession manner. Please note that this privacy police applies only to personal information of individuals (rather than organizations) and only to Investment Research Finland Ltd.

Our group company Suomen Sijoituskumppani Oy offers domestic institutional investors the advisory services of our partner Söderberg & Partners Wealth Management AB as a tied agent.

2. Contact information

Investment Research Finland Ltd
Business ID: 1640202-0

Suomen Sijoitussuunnittelu Oy
Business ID: 2370749-8

Suomen Sijoittajapalvelut Oy
Business ID: 2360622-4

Suomen Sijoittajatutkimus Oy
Business ID: 3437784-2

Address: Vuorikatu 14 A, 00100 Helsinki
Telephone: +358 9 6227 8770
Responsible person: Kalle Kauppila, +358 9 6227 8771

Sijoitusakatemia Oy
Business ID: 2309376-4

Address: Vuorikatu 14 A, 00100 Helsinki
Telephone: +358 45 317 6363
Responsible person: Juha Paukku, +358 45 317 6363

Suomen Sijoituskumppani Oy
Business ID: 3280156-6

Address: Vuorikatu 14 A, 00100 Helsinki
Responsible person: Kalle Kauppila, +358 9 6227 8771

3. Collected Personal Information

• General Contact Data

• First and Last Name

• Professional title

• Represented institutions’ name

• Institutions' organizational structure and individual positions within

• Contact information (email, physical address, billing address and phone number)

• Industry classification

• Contact type and role (for example: reporting client, performance measurement client, data provider etc.)

• Contact history

Website Analytics

• IP-address

• URL-address

• Time of visit

• Browser type and version

• Hardware type

The website is hosted within European Economic Area by and in Amazon GmbH server facility. The server stores all items listed above in text.

4. The source of information

By default, client or client approved partners provide the General Contact Data directly to Investment Research Finland, upon entering a service agreement. General Contact Data can also be collected from public sources such as client public websites, media news items or interviews published in general media.

Website Analytics Data is stored by accessing the website.

5. Purpose of the usage of information

Personal information may be used to legal or contract-based usages:

Providing a service or fulfilling a contract

Client communication and Client relationship management

In case of direct inquiries to Investment Research Finland, IRF may use the given contact information to provide answers.

Electronic Marketing

Electronic marketing such as e-mail newsletters may be cancelled or prohibited by providing a direct notification to Investment Research Finland, and any individual always has a right to be excluded from direct marketing measures.

6. Holding period of information

Investment Research Finland holds personal information as long as the Company is legally required or it is necessary to maintain contractual obligations, or provide services to the client. Faulty or expired personal information will be updated or deleted from the registry.

7. Transferring personal information outside European Economic Area

IRF uses information technology providers that are active globally, and it is possible that by provider choice the personal information listed in this policy may be transferred outside the European Economic Area. All relevant IRF information technology service agreements include common Privacy Policy statutes for cross-border sharing.

8. Recipients of personal information

Investment Research Finland does not give personal information to third parties excluding the following situations:

Legal reasons or obligations

Investment Research Finland may provide personal information to third parties if access to this information is considered reasonably necessary (i) to oblige with law or court orders, (ii) to prevent fraud, money laundering, financing terrorist organizations or information security concerns or (iii) to protect Investment Research Finland assets or to ensure common good required by the law.

Investment Research Finland may also provide personal information to other third parties by the consent of the individual or a client organization.

9. Individual rights to personal data

Right to access the personal information

Right to review the personal information

Right to update or correct the personal information

Right to delete information.

Individual may request Investment Research Finland to delete personal information, unless Investment Research Finland has a specific right or legal or contractual obligation to keep the information.

Right to exclude or resist the usage of information with respect to direct marketing purposes.

Right to transfer information in a readable and commonly used form to a third party by request.

Individual can exercise rights by contacting Investment Research Finland representatives by email, mail or calling.

Investment Research Finland may deny requests that are repeated too often, are excessive or clearly unreasonable. In order to access the information please contact representative of Investment Research Finland

11. General Security

Investment Research Finland stores and utilizes personal information in a professional manner. IRF undertakes common reasonable data security measures, such as restricting internal use to relevant personnel, and requiring username and password information for any access.

12. Right for Complain

IRF does not by any means, contract or otherwise, limit or discourage individual rights to inform the supervising authorities, should an individual have reasonable a doubts that IRF does not treat personal information in the way complient to Finnish and European Law.